14 research outputs found

    Effect of Culture and Traditions on Consumer Behavior in Kuwait

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    Globalization is one of the most contemporary challenges that are facing businesses. With the Internet and information technology, markets around the globe are moving closer, which necessitate the need of knowing these markets. Businesses need to understand the effect of culture in shaping consumer habits. This study explores the effect of culture and traditions on the consumer behavior in Kuwait – a member of (CCASG) countries. It studies consumer market segments existing among Kuwaitis consumers by using life-style patterns and ethnocentrism

    Are the Lebanese Firms Coping with the Global Pressure?

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    Almost all business activities in Lebanon take the form of family owned small business type. Lebanon took advanced steps on globalization issues and entered into open trading activities, which makes its firms subject to global competition. In developed nation, small businesses are facing these challenges by lowering their cost, improving quality and adopting sophisticated high technology. Logistic strategies are one way these firms are using to overcome these challenges. The purpose of this paper is to explore the use and the role of logistic strategies by small businesses in Lebanon. It will focus on the way these businesses are adopting with the global requirements. Results showed evidence that the Lebanese small businesses exhibited a little use logistic strategies, which put them on a competitive disadvantage in facing the global challenges

    Are businesses Becoming More Efficient through Time? Testing the Change in Working Capital Requirements across Economic Sectors

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    The study examines the efficiency of businesses through time. It tests the change in working capital requirements across economic sectors. The last two decades were earmarked with many changes. With no doubt technological innovations were among the most significant events that impacted almost every aspect of peoples’ life and businesses as well. In fact, technology became one of the critical components of survival and success for businesses. A core of business success is efficiency, which is the pledge of using fewer resources along with the commitment of improving quality; technology was the key for both. The study investigates if there had been a significant reduction in the working capital as a result of these changes in the last two decades. The research output of the study showed evidence that over the last twenty years there has been a significant decrease in the working capital requirements across most economic sectors. As a consequence, the efficiency of the market increases as more businesses are capable of entering the market because fewer funds are needed. In addition, consumers enjoy better quality products with cheaper prices as a result of competition

    A Cross Sectional Study of Financial Measures in Predicting Stocks’ Riskiness during Year 2008 Crash Period

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    The study tests the use of financial measures in predicting stocks’ riskiness during 2008 crash period. The stock market witnessed a number of crashes with the most recent one in year 2008. Crashes cause instability in the stock market and a collapse of investor confidence. In a study, Bahhouth and Maysami (2009) showed evidence that Beta had a marginal effect in predicting stocks riskiness. The paper explores the ability of using financial ratios to identify stocks’ riskiness (i.e. stocks that are more adversely affected during the crash periods). Analysts, practitioners and academicians used financial ratios in assessing stock returns in financial markets (Arslan, O. and Karam, M., 2009; Bhandari 1988; Basu 1977; Tze, S., and Bon H., 2009). The results showed that a set of financial measures exhibited significant predictive power in identifying stocks that were adversely affected during the year 2008 crash period

    Factors Influencing Students’ Perceptions of Online Teamwork

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    The evolution of online teaching in higher education demands a change in the types of pedagogies used in those courses. An example of one of these important pedagogies includes online teamwork. Teamwork in this context is one in which the majority of the individual’s grade is dependent on the positive or negative group experiences. This study utilized the theoretical framework of social motivation and cohesion to identify the factors shaping students’ perceptions of teamwork in online college courses. In these courses, the pedagogical approach known as the Five Pillars of effective collaborative work was applied. An Online Teamwork Learning Survey was developed based on these principles and completed by 62 undergraduate students enrolled in semester-long online courses required in their early childhood education program of study. Using a comparison between pre–post surveys and regression analysis, the results showed that although the students’ perceptions of teamwork did not significantly change, the factors influencing their responses during the post-test doubled in number. The results showed that through carefully designed virtual teamwork activities, students learned that essential team characteristics such as promotive interaction, individual accountability, and positive interdependence are an integral part of effective collaboration and strong predictors of teamwork perception

    Firm Characteristics and Stock Returns during 2008 Financial Crash

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the characteristics of firms that reported positive price movements during the 2008 crash. In the last decade, the stock market had two crashes; the first one occurred in year 2000 and the second one occurred in year 2008, where the stock market lost more than 50% of its value and shook the global economy. The study highlights the financial characteristics of those firms that reported positive price movements during the 2008 crash period, tests their significance, and attempts to explain their underlying reasons. The study employs both fundamental and market measures. In particular, we study if there is a significant difference between the financial structure of health sector and other sectors, and among the groups of firms within the health sector

    Students’ Perception of International Business Curriculum: An Explorative Study—Case of Lebanon

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    Economic development depends on business education for a thriving and secure society. A skilled workforce that can create, innovate, and increase business opportunities fosters an environment of prosperity that provides jobs and enhances the quality of life among its citizens. This article examines the environment, content, and delivery of business education in Lebanon. It analyzes curriculum content and the students’ perceptions of the value and applicability of the curriculum. It also explores the shift in emphasis toward an international perspective in curricula and its importance for the academicians as well as practitioners to understand the methods, techniques, and activities that are being used to prepare the future business workforce. This study presents ideas and perspectives about how business and international curricula in Lebanon are perceived. Data for this article were collected in Lebanon and reflects the students’ perspective on its international business curriculum

    Are Students Driven by Negative or Positive Perception about Sales Profession in France?

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ perceptions of personal selling as a career in France. Studies in the United States highlighting the negative perception of the sales profession by people are numerous, especially when it comes to issues of ethics and honesty (Futrell 2007). Lee et al (2007) argued that students generally try to avoid salespeople as best as they can; in addition, the lack of information about the profession perpetrates the negative image in their minds. Logistic regression and Z test are used in this research. The results confirm the findings of previous studies that personal factors play a significant role in predicting students’ perception of sales profession as a career. The findings presented in this study show that French students have a biased perception about sales as a career. However, interestingly, few dimensions show a significant effect and results are contradictory to studies conducted in other countries